I Máli og Myndum (2011)
Artist book edited together with Catrine Thorstensen. Two versions, both 25 x 21 cm.
Í máli og myndun I – 80 pages, Text in Norwegian.
Í máli og myndun II – 96 pages. Text in English
The contributors to Myndum II (alphabetically):
Eszter Burghardt
Jan Christensen
Sabine Höpner
Her and Her
(Fiona Short/ Sarah Forrest)
(Ingunn Fjóla Ingþórsdóttir/ Þórdis Jóhannesdóttir)
Juliana Espãna Keller
Nicole Pietrantoni/ Devon Wootten
Nina Rizzo
Amy Sacksteder
Hege Dons Samset
Klaus Taschler
This artist’s book was made together with my partner Catrine Thorstensen after spending the month of June 2010 at the SIM residency in Reykjavik, Iceland. It contains projects up to 15 pages length, all somehow related to Iceland. The contributions are arranged according to geographical locations, mimicking a guidebook.
The initial version of Máli was produced in Norwegian. An invitation to the exhibition "Island: 22 Artists on Iceland" in Detroit, triggered the idea of an English remake. We decided to include guest contributions, so during spring 2011 we invited all our co-habitants from Reykjavik 2010 to send us some Iceland-related work fit for a book.
The response was good, and the amount of new material gave the English Máli 2 a character of its own. About half of Máli 2 consists of 11 contributions from 14 artists in total. The other half is our own projects, edited down and partly reworked from the first edition.