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Prologue and Epilogue to Junaiten (2021)


Pro- and Epilogue to Junaiten are the first two parts of a loose video film triptych.

They were both completed for my solo show Forplantninger (Propagations) at Kunstplass [Oslo], May 2021. The “centerpiece": Junaiten - Two Life Stories, was completed in 2023. Each part can be considered an autonomous film, but they are all based on text fragments my father wrote after he was affected with Alzheimer's, and they all incorporate his private photos.

     In The Prologue (subtitled My Car) a voice over narrates a text about the loss of driving license and autonomy. The first sentence goes: "Someone I know undressed me of my car and disappeared". The film portrays all the cars my father owned throughout his life – going back to the first Chevrolet he bought as a student in Washington in 1952.

     The Epilogue (subtitled Application Form) is based on a completed application form for disability benefit. Questions and answers about general and professional loss of mastery are accompanied by children's drawings (mine and my brothers), drawn on the back of sheets from our father's engineering manuals. Scanned in and heavily saturated, the watercolor images bleed through the sheets of paper and erase the neat technical calculations on the front pages.

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